Exemption from the imposition of the special solidarity contribution on the income of article 43 A of the Income Tax Code

   May 17, 2021

In accordance with article 298 of Law 4738/2020:

For the tax year 2020 incomes provided for in article 43A of L.4172 / 2013 (see below) are exempted from the special solidarity contribution, with the exception of incomes from salaried work and pensions.
If the income is determined in accordance with article 34, the exemption hereof is granted if for the two (2) previous tax years the alternative method of calculating the minimum tax, according to articles 30, 31, 32, 33 and 34, has not been applied.

For the tax year 2021, incomes obtained from paid work in the private sector are exempted from the special solidarity contribution of article 43A of Law 4172/2013 (see below).
If the income is determined in accordance with article 34, the exemption hereof is granted if for the two (2) previous tax years the alternative method of calculating the minimum tax, according to articles 30, 31, 32, 33 and 34, has not been applied.

article 43A of L.4172 / 2013

  1. A special solidarity contribution is imposed on income over twelve thousand (12,000) euros of natural persons or escheat. For the imposition of the contribution, the total income is taken into account, as it results from the sum of the incomes from paid work and pensions, business activity, capital and capital transfer whether taxable or exempt, real or imputed.
  2. The income of persons with a degree of disability that exceeds eighty percent (80%) and the compensation for the termination of employment in the case e of paragraph 3 of Article 12 and case f of par. 1 of Article 14 are excluded and exempt. Also excluded from the obligation to pay a special contribution are the long-term unemployed who are registered in the OAED unemployment registers, as well as those who receive unemployment benefits from this organization, if in the year in question they do not have real income. The obligation to pay a special contribution also exempts long-term unemployed sailors who are registered in the lists of sailors available for enrollment by the Maritime Employment Office (G.E.N.E.), which include the relevant lists of the Port Authorities that operate as its annexes, as well as those who receive unemployment benefit from this Institution, if in the year in question they do not have real income.

No special solidarity contribution is imposed on the capital gains arising from the exchange of Greek Government bonds within the framework of the Greek State liabilities management program, pursuant to no. 1332/15.11.2017decision of the Deputy Minister of Finance (vol. B  issue 3995). Also, imputed income that results from the following categories is exempt from the special solidarity contribution: a) free concession of a house of up to two hundred square meters (200 sq.m.), in order to be used as a main residence to ascendants and descendants and b) free concession of the use of real estate to the Greek State or to legal entities under public law.
Also excluded from the solidarity contribution are natural persons who are foreign tax residents for the income that results from interest on government bonds and interest-bearing bills of the Greek State, as well as for income that results from interest on corporate bonds according to paragraph 5 of article 37.

Similarly, income from salaried work obtained by foreign officers and foreign junior crew, who are foreign tax residents, on Merchant Navy ships that sail under the Greek flag and perform exclusively international voyages are exempt from the special solidarity contribution.